Monthly Magazine Printable – New Doll Times Magazine May 2024

Do you remember New Doll Times Magazine featured in August 2022? This month, she is back with a doll band, Landslide for their new album release! This means…there will be an album printable!

About and Landslide

Karen is a Canadian photographer and the creator of the band Landslide. She is a host of #dollhikeswithtawny and a member of 2021 team #travelingdollpants

Her Instagram account is filled with doll stories and hashtag challenges. I always check her posts for updates on fun events and challenges happening in the doll community!

Landslide was started by one of Karen’s dolls named Lyric who moved to town in November 2022 and has expanded to five members. Landslide is heavily influenced by Stevie Nicks whom Karen is a huge fan of. Stevie visited Landslide’s practice! (Check out Karen’s post here)

Interviewing Landslide

May 25th marks an exciting milestone for fans of the beloved pop group Landslide as they release their new album. In celebration of this, Kimberly from the New Doll Times Magazine sat down with the girls for a fun, exclusive interview. Let’s dive into the dolls’ conversation!

Kimberly from New Doll Times Magazine: Ladies of Landslide, thank you so much for joining us today! It’s a pleasure to have Aria, Amethyst, Lyric, Star, and Violet here to talk about your debut album, “The Journey.” How does it feel to finally have your music out there?

Aria: Thank you for having us! It’s exhilarating, really. We’ve put so much heart and soul into “The Journey,” and to see it finally out in the world is a surreal experience.

Kimberly: Can you share the inspiration behind your latest album?

Aria: Absolutely! “The Journey” is like a sonic cauldron where all my favourite things come together—Halloween vibes, witchy elements, and of course, rock ‘n’ roll. The inspiration for this album is deeply rooted in my love for enchanting and mystical experiences. You see, Halloween isn’t just a day for me; it’s a lifestyle, and that eerie, magical feeling permeates our music.

“The Journey” is more than just an album; it’s an expedition through the mystical realms of my imagination and the shared experiences of Landslide.

Kimberly: How do you stay creative and inspired throughout your career?

Amethyst: Being a huge fan of Stevie Nicks has its own kind of magic. Her ability to weave stories into her music is something I aspire to in our own creations. I find inspiration in the contrast of heavy and soft, just like my love for metal and folk.

Now, when I’m not shredding on the guitar or embracing the warmth of a good book, animals are my other weakness. There’s something incredibly pure and genuine about their presence that fuels my creativity. The unconditional love of a pet or the untamed beauty of wildlife—they all play a role in keeping that creative flame alive.

It’s a delicate dance, really. Reading a captivating story, feeling the energy of a metal riff, and being in the company of animals—all these experiences contribute to the unique flavor of our music. It’s about finding inspiration in the everyday and letting those influences blend into the eclectic sound that is Landslide.

Kimberly: How do you connect with your audience, both on and off the stage?

Star: Connecting with our audience is like catching a rhythm that we all groove to, both on and off the stage. On stage, it’s about translating the heartbeat of our music through my drum beats. I want the audience to feel every hit, every rhythm, and join in the cosmic dance we’re creating.

Off stage, it’s about being real, being human. I love to laugh, share stories, and enjoy flavored coffees with our fans. It’s those personal connections that make the magic happen. We’re not just a band; we’re a community of music lovers, and I’m just one drumming star in this constellation.

Kimberly: Are there specific rituals or routines you follow before going on stage?

Lyric: Ah, the pre-stage rituals, they’re like the secret sauce to getting into the right headspace for a performance. Before I take the stage, it’s all about finding that perfect balance between tranquility and excitement.

First off, I often find myself seeking solace in nature. It’s like a reset button for my soul. Whether it’s a quiet walk in the woods or simply feeling the breeze on a patio, connecting with the natural world helps ground me before the whirlwind of a live performance.

Now, the musical world is my playground, and I cherish those moments with fellow musicians. A cold drink on the patio, sharing stories, and soaking in the collective energy—it’s a ritual that eases any pre-show jitters. There’s this beautiful synergy that happens when musicians come together, and I draw inspiration from those connections.

Kimberly: What do you consider to be the highlight of your musical journey so far?

Violet: Well, you know, every step on this musical journey has been a surprise for me. But if I had to pick a highlight, it would be the moment when I realized that I could actually contribute something unique to the band.

Despite my initial hesitation, I found myself slowly lured in by the others. The camaraderie, the shared passion for music, it all started feeling like a second home. It’s funny how life has a way of surprising you when you least expect it.

Kimberly: Now, we’ve been hearing some exciting rumours lately, and we can’t wait to get the scoop. Is it true that Stevie Nicks showed up at one of your rehearsals by surprise?

Aria: Oh, it’s true! It still feels like a dream, honestly. Stevie herself, showing up at our rehearsal, it’s the kind of magical moment you can’t make up.

Amethyst: We were all in awe when she walked in. It was like having a rock legend blessing our music.

Lyric: The anticipation leading up to that moment was surreal. Stevie Nicks, standing there with us, ready to perform—it’s something we’ll cherish forever.

Star: I remember thinking, “Is this really happening?” It was a pinch-me moment for sure. And when she came back, the energy in the room was electrifying.

Violet: I’m usually not one for the spotlight, but even I couldn’t resist the excitement. Having Stevie with us on stage was an unforgettable experience.

Kimberly: What was it like to perform with Stevie Nicks? Can you share some highlights from that New Year’s Eve performance?

Aria: Performing with Stevie was a dream come true. We played some of our original songs and even did a few Fleetwood Mac classics. The chemistry on stage was just magical.

Amethyst: The crowd’s reaction was priceless. It was like they were witnessing a legendary collaboration, and in a way, they were. Stevie brought her unique touch to our music, and it elevated the entire performance.

Lyric: Singing alongside Stevie Nicks was an out-of-body experience. Her voice, her presence—it added a whole new dimension to our songs.

Star: Drumming alongside one of my idols was a dream I never knew I had. The rhythm, the beats—it was like our drums were dancing together.

Violet: I may not seek the limelight, but playing keyboards with Stevie was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. The synergy was unbelievable.

Kimberly: What an incredible journey! Landslide, thank you for sharing this enchanting experience with us. Here’s to more magical moments and unforgettable performances in the future!

Landslide’s New Album “The Journey”

Karen took all the photos and designed this beautiful album. I helped with the design of the back side.

Inside of New Doll Times Magazine

Free 1:6 Magazine Download (and Album)

Here is the printable. It is a perfect size for Barbie or any 12-inch fashion doll.

We are celebrating the release of Landslide’s new album The Journey. You are invited!

WHEN: May 25th, 2024

HOW TO JOIN: Grab a miniature printable version of the album below and strike a pose with your dolls!

Use the hashtag #tawnystinyalbumrelease and tag and @lilybearcreates IN THE PHOTO, not just in the caption.

How to make

It’s easy to make the magazine, but if you have any questions, please let me know!

2 thoughts on “Monthly Magazine Printable – New Doll Times Magazine May 2024”

  1. This is absolutely fabulous!! Kimberly’s interview with the band is so fantastic and she has managed to draw out their energy perfectly and so accurately! Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity to collaborate with you. I love the whole magazine! I’m off to print more albums now!

    1. Hi Karen! Thank you so much for the collaboration! It’s been so much fun working with you and your beautiful photos. I am thrilled to see all the dolls in the world enjoying Landslide’s new ablum. Kimberly enjoyed the interview with Landslide. It was one of the best day in her career.

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